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New Language Collaborative/Unified Fields/ Ayler Records, 2008 ayldl-082 (available as download only)
Wakte Oglaka /Ayler Records, 2009 aylDL-115 (available as download only)

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A 39 Year Reunion Celebration
Reference studio234 011 November 5 2014

Laurence cook (drums),Burton greene (piano)
Recorded May 2008, Cambridge,
Titles: A
39 Year Reunion Celebration - Pussy Cat Says Meeow! - A Lamentation - Mark
IV (1962-2005) - Insider Trading - Song For My Friend Burton - Desert Suite
Remastered by Jim Hemingway.
Laisser L'Esprit Divaguer
Reference studio234 010 November 5 2014

Françoise Toullec,
François Tusques & Eric Zinman (pianos)
Recorded February 13,2007
for Radio France, Paris, France, and June 11, 2011 in Dedham, MA, USA.
CD1: Festin Préparé
- Hommage A Marc Monnet - Blues A L'Improviste - Dialogue - Ffffffftttttt
- Rappel.
CD2: Untitled (#1~#2~#3~#4~#5~#6~#7~#8).
Disc 1 recorded by Philippe
Bredin, Frédéric Changenet, Benjamin Thuau, Dorothée Goll
and Eloi Royer. Original session produced by Anne Montaron. Disc 2 recorded
by Eric Zinman, remastered by Jim Hemignway.
Terrible Baubles
Reference studio234 009 November 5 2014

Lo Galluccio (voice, poetry and lyrics),Jane Wang(cello)&Eric Zinman(keyboard, voice, percussion)
Recorded and mastered by Peter Kontrimas PBS studios Westwood, MA.July 2012
Titles: Terrible Baubles-Grief as Frenzy-Centers of Gravity-Adam-5 AM Ritual- Three Dollar Poem- I Had a True Love- My Brother, Alaska- Birthday-Queen of Mars-Roses Luscious Tight-Grand Failed Experiement
The Eric Zinman Trio
Reference studio234 CDr 007 USA 2008

Eric Zinman(piano) Didier Lasserre(drums) & Benjamin Duboc(bass)
Recorded October,2007
, Paris, France
Ishmaelites - On Off Up...OUT - stray - "dans une position délimité par l'orage" - For the Poets Against the Killing Fields Cambridge, MA USA - For Bill Dixon - Kan wape ka snawi (moon of falling leaves) - Kiya
Mastered and recorded by Benjamin Duboc
The Eric Zinman Ensemble/
Reference studio234 CDr 005 USA 2005

Eric Zinman (piano), John Voigt (bass), Laurence Cook (drums)
Recorded February 11 2005, Cambridge,
Titles: In the Mystery - Eventually - Small Beggar - Straight Up Straight Out - Little Jimmy K - Short Story - Elephant Paws
Remastered by Jim Hemingway.
Reference studio234 002 2002
Blaise Siwula (alto saxophone),
Glynis Lomon (cello),& eric zinman (pianos), William Buchanan and Hugo Manuschevich (drums)
Recorded 2002 Cambridge, MA USA
Titles: There Were Frogs in the Fog - Forests - The Great Divide - Falcons - Rio Verde - Windswept Circus
Remastered by Jim Hemignway, Shutesbury MA USA
Reference studio234 CDr 001 Newton, MA USA 1999

Eric Zinman (piano), Craig Schildhauer(bass), Laurence Cook (drums)
Recorded August 16 1996 by Marc Leibowitz at 40 Moody St., Newton,
Titles: Lightning - Shopping - Stately - For Glen Spearman- On Demand- Marx Brothers- For Cecil Taylor
Remastered by Jim Hemingway.
Reference ib30 October 20 2014

Linda Sharrock (voice)
Mario Rechtern (reeds) Itaru Oki (trumpet) Yorram Rossillio (bass) Makoto Sato (drums) Eric Zinman (pianos)
Recorded May 21st, 2014 at Studio Septième Ciel, Issy-Les-Moulineaux, France, and May 20th, 2014 at BabiIo, Paris, France.
CD1: No is No (studio) - Listen to an excerpt.
CD2: No is No (live)
Liner Notes by Mario Rechtern and Julien Palomo - Mixed and mastered by Julien Palomo - Produced by Aurélie Gerlach, Mario Rechtern, and Julien Palomo
The Mario Rectzern - Eric Zinman Zorn , Dedicated to Linda Sharrock
Reference ib07 July 4 2011

Mario Rechtern (reeds) Eric Zinman (pianos)
Recorded November 26, 2007 and May 7, 2008 at Studio 234 (Cambridge, MA, USA)
Titles: The guy of the village zorn - dancing on a wet mirage of - pink, blue and green; - a mirage of stone tears, dry - and deceived of hopes; - a pompe funèbre for the divorcée - where demons die on high and on a cloud - that is the resolution: KICICIC IYA.
Sound, mixing, by Eric Zinman and Mario Rechtern. Mastering by Jim Hemingway.
Liner Notes by Mario Rechtern and Eric Zinman
They Begin to Speak - The Linda Sharrock Network
Reference ib46 March 4 2016

linda sharrock (vocals) mario rechtern (reeds, saxolin) eric zinman (piano) + PARIS: itaru oki (trumpet, flugelhorn, flutes), makoto sato (drums), eric zinman (piano), claude parle (accordion), cyprien busolini (violin), yoram rosilio (bass) + SHEFFIELD: charlie collins (drums, percussion), derek saw (trumpet), john jasnoch (electric guitar)
Recorded at Studio Septième Ciel, Issy-Les-Moulineaux, France, May 20, 2015, and at The Lescar, Sheffield, UK, May 5, 2015.
CD1: They Begin To Speak - Studio (Part.1-3) - excerpt
CD2: They Begin To Speak - Live (Part.1-3) - excerpt
Photos by Julien Palomo and Beatrice Ward-Fernandez. Co-produced with Aurélie Gerlach and Mario Rechtern.
Zither Gods
Reference ib58 May 2017

Eric Zinman (piano)
Recorded 2011-2015 on many pianos, in many places.
Titles: Zither Gods - Dance Sequence Spring 2012 - Winter Song - The Story Of L Part 1 - The Story Of L Part 2 - Tribal Piano - The Wheel Of Sharp Weapons - Outpost 2 - The Adventures Of The Yippy Coyote Dance Orchestra Part 1 - The Adventures Of The Yippy Coyote Dance Orchestra Part 2 - Wayeh...Owayah O Wayeh - The Harp In The Garden Of The Melting Clock - Zither Gods Coda.
Art by Linda Clave. - Liner notes by Eric Zinman.
Reference Not Two Records - 887-2 April 2013

Johannes Krebbs (drums) Mario Rechtern (reeds) Killian Schrader (electric bass, sfx) Eric Zinman (piano)
Recorded 2007 at Celeste Vienna, Austria
Titles: untitled (1,2,3)
Mastering by Jim Hemingway.
Liner Notes by Mario Rechtern and Eric Zinman
RETREAT/New Language Collaborative with Ted Daniel
Reference JaZt TAPES CDr 039 Sweden 2013

Ted Daniel (trumpet, flugelhorn) Glynis Lomon (cello, voice, aquasonic) Syd Smart (drums, electronic percussion) Eric Zinman (electric keyboard)
Recorded at Nancy Ostrovsky's Studio, Accord NY, USA, July 2012
Titles: Stories we tell each other/Space and Time - Truth Still Marches On - Glissolalia
Recorded by Eric Zinman, Mastered by Jim Hemingway.
Reference JaZt TAPES CDr- 044 Sweden 2013

Eric Zinman (piano), Jacob William (bass), Laurence Cook (drums)
Recordedat Outpost 186 Cambridge, MA USA October 2011 and February 2012
Titles: Five Doors Surrounding a Sphere - Small Beggar - 1=3=1 ABA - Squirrels - Dissolutions to Bass - Vagabonds of Other Spaces - Dream Upon a Star - For Bill Dixon - For Cecil Taylor - Transmissions/Alternating Currents - Hi Ho Silver/ Get em up/ Move em on/ Long Knives a comin
Mastered by Jim Hemingway.
Reference JaZt TAPES CDr 049 Sweden 2014

Mario Rechtern (reeds) Noah Rosen (piano) Linda Sharrock (voice) Eric Zinman (piano)
Recorded May 20 2013 at Zavantgarde Montparnasse, Paris, France
Titles: Acknowledgements (1≈2≈3≈4≈5≈6)
Recorded by Eric Zinman Mixed and Mastered by Mario Rechtern
Reference Ayler Records aylCD-085 2010 Fr

Laurence Cook (drums, vibraphone and electric keyboards) Eric Zinman (electric keyboard)
Recorded in Pawtucket RI and Cambridge, MA USA between January and October 2009
Titles: Threat One - Threat Two - Siege - Dogs - The Greater the Green, the Greater the Ceremony - Limited Highway Access - Incident
Recorded by Eric Zinman. Mastered by Jim Hemingway.
Liner Notes by Eric Zinman
Reference Cadence Jazz Records 1225 Redwood NY USA 2012

Eric Zinman (piano) Benjamin Duboc (bass) Didier Lasserre (drums) Mario Rechtern (flute, reeds)
Recorded April 28, 2009 Paris France
Titles: Rocks in the Sea 48:53
Recorded and Mastered by Benjamin Duboc
Liner Notes by Mario Rechtern and Eric Zinman
Reference CJR 1187 Redwood NY USA 2006

Eric Zinman (piano) John Voigt (bass) Laurence Cook (drums)
Recorded June 20, 2004 PBS studios Westwood MA USA
Titles: In the Mystery - Eventually - Small Beggar - Respective Duets - Short Story for Bill Dixon - Swing Swang Swung - Straight Up Straight Out - Channeling Paris 1870 - Little Jimmy K (the white hipster) - Elephant Paws - War and Peace
Recorded and Mastered by Peter Kontrimas
Liner Notes by Eric Zinman
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